So, the season of Advent comes around once more. We read again from the psalms of the prophet Isaiah, promising a better world for suffering humanity, to be marked by equality, prosperity and justice.
Do not worry about what you are to eat… A reflection
Fr Phil Gibbs SVDAfter some time in Papua New Guinea I realised that I had ended up on a sort of plateau when it came to relating to people in greater depth. I was comfortable speaking with people using the Tok Pisin language, but it seemed to me that wasn’t enough, and I needed to put effort into learning the local Enga language.
So I asked the Bishop if I could spend six months in a small isolated village within the parish where I would have the chance of being totally immersed in the local language and culture. The Bishop kindly agreed.
When we were discussing this passage during my seminary days, our professor said that it wouldn’t be surprising if at the Final Judgment ...
Imagine you got the windfall of a lifetime. You’ve just won the top prize in lotto, which was worth millions of dollars.
It has been reported repeatedly in the media that immediately after Pope Francis’ election, he has been rolling up his sleeves, at least figuratively.
From the earliest times, the changing of the seasons has prompted reflection upon life’s end and what lies beyond the grave.
During my first year in the seminary, in my Religious Education class, our teacher challenged the class and asked if there was anybody who would be able to recite aloud all the Ten Commandments as written in the book of Exodus.
Honestly, I never really got into praying the rosary, but even so, I always admire our senior confreres who keep floating the rosary beads through their hands. And obviously it’s something that keeps them in their service of praying for the world and its people.
Throughout my formation we sometimes prayed the rosary together, but it never became my habit to use the beads for my personal prayer.
The Philippines, a former colony of Spain, are called after King Philip 2 of Spain. The king wanted to evangelise ...
Many years ago I was reacting to this Parable of the Wedding Banquet as recorded in the Gospel of Mathew 22:1-14
The past few weeks have seen a cluster of parables presented to us.
The past few weeks have seen a cluster of parables presented to us.
Todays' reading are about saying 'Yes' and doing what we say we will do.
Each time we celebrate Mass, and on other occasions when we use formal prayers, we sometimes say words like, "......together with the angels...". Recently I have found myself wondering about those "angels"... I wonder what they are. Are they humanoid creatures with wings that fly around the place? Do they really look like those sad-faced white beings that are often depicted in pious European paintings? And what about Satan and the other "fallen angels"? What are we thinking about when we picture them?
’d like to borrow a very good story from Miguel de Umanumo, a Spanish philosopher and novelist from the 20th century about the origin of hell.