Last Sunday we stayed with Jesus in the desert. On this second Sunday of Lent we are transported to the top of a mountain.
Recently I attended a workshop in Italy (Nemi) on “Interculturality”. That is a big word, but basically it comes down to the way we appreciate cultural sameness and difference. Our final mass was a fitting exemplar of our two weeks together.
We were SVDs and SSpS from all corners of the world and we had hymns with verses in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, German and Swahili.
Temptations are a regular part of our lives. Five days a week, I go out in the morning and take an hour walk around the corner here in Macquarie Fields.
I remember seeing a cat with a little bell on her neck and it really annoyed the cat.
According to Mark, today is the first day of Jesus’ public ministry, which is filled with teaching and healing.
Jesus’ kind of teaching was a regular source of amazement to others! If we go through the pages of the Bible we would be struck by how many times it records people’s amazement at Jesus.
I used to think that the story concerning Jesus’ call of the first four disciples by the Sea of Galilee ...
This might sound very parochial, but I was walking around the CBD here in Sydney, together with two good friends from my seminary days, and we decided to have dinner in one of the restaurants.
The feast of the Baptism of the Lord, invites each of us, to focus, not so much on Jesus, but on ourselves as people who have been saved through the grace of Baptism.
Happy glorious New Year! I pray and hope that we will all take a conscious an active role in the shaping of 2015.
This is a true confession. My mother did not like me joining the seminary. And I can tell you now, she is displeased that I am now so far away from the family and the US embarking on a mission journey in a very far land, "the land of the kangaroos!"
The movie, “To be or not to be”, is a comedy film by Mel Brooks about a group of stage actors who are trying to escape from the Nazis in the newly occupied Poland in 1939.
Do we really forget about the reason? - A reflection
Br Bernd Ruffing SVDIn Thailand we have Christmas Lights everywhere. It’s probably the same in your country. But - is there something like the Christmas light in us?
Saint John the Baptist holds the lamp by which we see Jesus as the light of the world.
For more than a decade my mum and dad had irreconcilable differences. God only knows how we kids ...