What is a vocation?

Every Christian, through the sacrament of Baptism, receives a call or vocation to serve God and humanity, and to help build God’s Kingdom in the circumstances of their own life.

This vocation can be lived out in a variety of ways – as a married or a single person, or as a priest, a religious brother or sister.

How do I know what my vocation is?

Identifying your vocation most often comes about through a process of discernment and that process can begin in childhood and continue well into adult years. Discernment means to listen, to stay close to God, to pray, to remain open and to truly seek out the vocation that God is calling you to.

Could I have a vocation to be a Divine Word Missionary?

We hope so! If you do have a vocation to become a Divine Word Missionary you will be joining one of the biggest, fastest growing, energetic and most ethnically diverse Catholic orders of religious men in the world.

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Founded by St Arnold Janssen in 1875, the Society of the Divine Word now has more than 6000 members serving in more than 70 countries around the world.

These men have responded to God’s call by becoming missionaries in the most demanding ministries of the Church. As Divine Word Missionaries, we work first and foremost where the Gospel has not been preached at all or only insufficiently and where the local Church is not viable on its own (SVD Constitutions 102).

God speaks to us in God’s own manner, usually using ordinary things and experiences in life to extend thoughts and to awaken our dreams and hopes.

  • What is your dream for your life and for your place in God’s world?
  • Have you responded to God’s call?
  • Are you open to challenge and adventure?
  • What is your mission?
  • As Divine Word Missionaries, “Our Mission is His Mission”. Would you like to be a part of this Mission?

If you believe God might be calling you or someone you know to the life of a missionary priest or brother, our congregation might be the right fit for you.

If you’d like to find out more, please contact:

The Vocations Director, Fr Yon Wiryono SVD. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..