Scripture Reflections
Friday, 13 December 2013 11:06

Third Sunday of Advent

We are well into the season of Advent – a time of preparation and waiting.


Saturday, 07 December 2013 11:57

Second Sunday of Advent

In personal and communal living, there are times when all that seems left is a “stump”.


Friday, 29 November 2013 13:11

First Sunday of Advent

The nature of our world today is that rapid change has become normal.


Friday, 29 November 2013 11:39

Maintenance or Mission?

frbillbburtsvd 150Churches of different traditions sometimes use special language that is uniquely their own. While mostly we speak in the same way, sometimes our expressions differ.

Recently I came across a newsletter from the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It features an article entitled, "Maintenance or Mission". I would like to share its content with you.


Jesus throughout his life forced us to look differently at the things that are around us. 

Friends, as is customary, the Church considers apocalyptic scriptures as it comes to the end of the liturgical year.


In many African tales and myths, there is a strong strand of belief that the way an adult man survived death was through his children.

Of the Four Gospels, only the Gospel of Luke includes the story of Zacchaeus.


For everybody who believes in a higher being like what we call God, prayer is not only optional but is essential ...

Wednesday, 23 October 2013 17:47

Belonging - a reflection

Everyone wants to belong somewhere. We all like to feel included…


Friday, 18 October 2013 07:36

World Mission Sunday

One important development in Catholic missionary practice after Vatican II was an emphasis on dialogue.


How often do we forget the people who have helped us get where we are, as if everything we have accomplished has been solely our own doing?

As Jesus and his disciples are on the way to Jerusalem, they stop for a breather. Suddenly they say, "Lord, increase our Faith." Why did they say this?


This Sunday Luke provides one of Jesus’ more powerful parables for our consideration: 


frbillbburtsvd 150Bridges are among the most important structures that are built in probably every society. Long or short, low or tall, made from rock, concrete, steel, wood or maybe from vines and bamboo, bridges are built to enable people to connect to each other. While made for practical reasons, they are very often things of great beauty. From ancient times till the present, people have designed bridges that not only bring people together but also have a "wow" factor. We can marvel at the engineering expertise of the designers and builders of the bridges we use, while at the same time admire their beauty.


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