Scripture Reflections

When I was a seminarian, we had an evaluation system called “Fraternal Correction”. My classmates would write positive things about me and also things to be improved about me.

Last week’s gospel gave us an occasion to celebrate God’s love for His people by pointing out that Jesus shared His divine authority with the people He loved.

I have often wondered what the angels in heaven were thinking when they heard Jesus tell the apostles that He would share His divine authority with them: I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.; whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be considered loosed in heaven. 

One day, I was reading my Facebook page as I always do at certain times of the day and I saw this beautiful quote, “God doesn’t say NO to our prayers. God has three answers, either he says, YES, AT A LATER TIME, or I HAVE A BETTER IDEA.

How did you encounter Christ? This was a common question when I was a seminarian when we were asked about our vocation story. I was amazed when some seminarians told their story to hear that they had encountered Christ in a sort of spectacular way.

God’s word to us in this Sunday's liturgy are words we really need to hear and to welcome warmly.

The Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value, he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it.

One of the most frustrating things for a farmer is to have weeds in his fields. They steal whatever nutrition is there for his grain.

The Gospel reading today has the Parable of the Sower, where a sower goes out and sows the seed, which falls all over the place! Some on the path, some on the rocky ground, some among thorns and some on the fertile soil.

Today's short gospel passage from Matthew gives us something really precious -- a beautiful insight into the joyful heart of Jesus.

When I would return to the United States for my home visit, my brother and I would spend a day at the cemetery visiting the graves of our parents and other family members.

“Do not be afraid.” This is the message of Jesus in today’s gospel. Yet, right now all over the world there are many things that we are afraid of.

This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In this celebration, we give thanks for the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood — we honour Jesus in His Body and Blood.

Thursday, 04 June 2020 19:12

Trinity Sunday - 2020

The inner life of the Trinity, the Communion we call the Triune God, is a Mystery of Mutual Loving Relationships and yet, through our baptism, we are invited into the life of this Eternal Communion.

Friday, 29 May 2020 18:53

Pentecost Sunday

There has been a saying going around our Community that the Feast of the Ascension reminds us that Jesus decided thereafter “to work from home”.  But Jesus promised not to leave us orphans. 

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