Sunday, 06 October 2024 13:27

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - 2024

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mark 10:2-16

Elmer head and shoulders 2022 150In recent years, marriage has been quite a hot topic in various sectors of society. At one end, there are advocates for “marriage equality” which means you can marry any person regardless of their gender. A man can marry another man and a woman can marry another woman. While on the other hand, particularly with Catholics, there are some who advocate that those who have divorced their spouse and remarried should be able to partake of the Eucharist at Mass. And this issue has deeply divided Catholic bishops and theologians worldwide. While in other parts of the world, there’s the existence of “child brides”, where underage girls are forced to marry men who are old enough to be their fathers and we don’t have to think hard of its disastrous consequences.

A bride and groom are holding hands, with the bride wearing a white dress and the groom wearing a wedding ringThe gospel for today, places Jesus in a tight spot by being asked his opinion about divorce. We should remember that in Jewish society, divorce was permissible as it is allowed in Mosaic Law. However, there was a division among the Pharisees and scribes as to what were the circumstances under which divorce should be permitted. On one hand of the debate, divorce should be permitted in whatever circumstance it may be. It means that even the flimsiest reason for a husband to divorce his wife should be granted. For example, if the wife has a nagging voice or if she burns the dinner food, those are enough reasons for a divorce to be granted. On the other hand, some argue that divorce should only be permitted in extreme circumstances. For example, proof of spouse’s infidelity through adultery or incapacity to have children, those reasons and other grave circumstances are the only cases where divorce is permissible.

However, we must also remember that the purpose of the Pharisees was not to seek clarity on this issue but in order to trap Jesus into this debate where whatever he said would be used against him by one party or another. Then through this Jesus would be discredited because he took a stand on either side of the debate. But Jesus knew this trap and took the opportunity to rise up against their petty arguments and state God’s purpose for marriage – that whatever God has joined together, no human being must separate. So for Jesus, divorce is not possible in whatever circumstance. And nothing can be plainer than that.

Then we ask ourselves, Isn’t this quite harsh? I would say not at all. Jesus is not harsh. In fact Jesus is well grounded in reality. Jesus knew that there are marriages that fall apart. Jesus knew of the sadness and the tragedy that divorce brings to couples. In the gospel of John, Jesus had a conversation with the woman at the well. Jesus knew very much the state of the woman, for Jesus can read our hearts. And yet despite knowing that this woman married five times and the man that she was with was not her husband, Jesus did not condemn her. Jesus even made her a messenger to tell the townsfolk that he was around and was willing to preach to them.

When I was a chaplain at St Claudine Thevenèt Primary School, I observed that when two children would fight in the playground, the teacher or myself would come and sort it out. Once the two had apologised to each other, they would resume playing as if nothing happened. While we adults, when we have a misunderstanding, sometimes it takes years before we can start talking to each other again.

In Jewish society, being a child is next to nothing, and yet Jesus said that if we will not accept the kingdom of God like a child, we will not enter into it. In other words, if we will not be child-like or possess the good qualities of a child like honesty, trust, loyalty, caring, loving, forgiving, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. How many times we don’t value children much in society. However, if we truly listen to them, we may learn a thing or two. God values those whom society thinks as worthless. Maybe if we change our mentality once in a while and learn from children then maybe we would be earning the Kingdom of God also.

May we continue to pray for our families and children so that our Holy Spirit may protect them and guide them in accordance to God’s will.