Saturday, 27 July 2024 18:06

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - 2024


Fr Adrianus Fani SVD 150My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today's Gospel tells us about Jesus feeding the five thousand. The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is probably familiar to us. It is told that there were five thousand men, not including women and children who followed Jesus at that time. Seeing the crowd, Jesus asked His disciples: ‘Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?’

Loaves and fishes 550Humanly speaking, this would require adequate financial resources to buy food for such a large number of people. Not surprisingly, in response to Jesus' question, Philip reckoned that even 200 denarii worth of bread would not be enough to feed them. Each person might only get one small loaf of bread. Andrew, perhaps investigating who had brought food, found five barley loaves and two fish, belonging to a child. But that was nothing compared to the thousands of people present.

In the midst of the disciples' hunger and worry, Jesus instructed the disciples to make the people sit on the grass. This is where Jesus clearly shows us about miracles. Jesus wanted to use what was considered insignificant. After giving thanks, Jesus distributed the loaves and fishes to the people. After the people were full, there were twelve baskets full of leftovers.

The way Jesus fed the 5,000 people reminded the crowd of Moses and his promise of a prophet to come. The miracle that impressed the people aroused their desire to make Jesus a king. But Jesus refused because the orientation of their actions was for their own benefit. They did not recognise that Jesus was the Messiah who came to save all people. And that was the main purpose for which Jesus came to this world.

Like Jesus' disciples at that time, we certainly have worries and fears when facing various challenges in life. However, according to today's gospel, Jesus wants us to be calm. Jesus wants us to sit down, have a moment of silence and put our absolute hope in God for the whole journey of our lives.

If we remain hopeful to God in our lives, rest assured that God will always do the best thing for us, according to His will. That is God's real miracle for us, maybe not what we think, but according to God's best plan for our lives. The important thing is that we always remember the words of the Lord Jesus who said: ‘Here I am, do not be afraid!’. That God will always be with us forever. Amen