News & Events

CA Prayer ThumbnailEvery morning, as the bright sun rises over Central Australia and the desert country slowly comes to life, a small group of Religious, from a variety of congregations, begin their day by gathering together to praise God.


Sr Maureen McBride ThumbnailLeadership in Mission must be prophetic, attentive to the Spirit, and should always be based on Jesus’ model of servant leadership, the Mission: One Heart Many Voices conference heard.


Thursday, 16 May 2013 16:21

SVD Leadership for Mission

leadershipinaction 150Two day workshop on Leadership and Intercultural Living for SVDs under 50 years of age followed the National Mission Conference “One Heart Many Voices” in Sydney in the first week of May 2013.  

In his opening address the AUS provincial Fr. Tim Norton emphasised the importance of developing leadership skills in the light of the upcoming elections for a new AUS provincial and a new provincial council.

Prof-Stephen-Bevans-SVD-ThumbnailThe amazing grace of mission is that it involves participating in the work of the Trinity, making us partners in mission with God, visiting missiologist, Professor Stephen Bevans SVD has told a mission conference in Sydney.


Fr-Stephen-Pilly-SVD-ThumbnailIf you’re a night owl in Melbourne, looking for some inspirational late night TV this week, why not tune in to Channel 31 or 44 at 11.30pm on Wednesday, to see Fr Stephen Pilly SVD being interviewed about his missionary vocation on the Spirit of Life program?


Wednesday, 17 April 2013 11:57

Yarra Theological Union celebrates 40 years

Fr-Jacob-JPEGMelbourne's Yarra Theological Union is one of Australia's  great ecumenical and learning endeavours, reaching out to all in a spirit of service and hospitality. Its hospitality includes offering courses on other religions and understanding of the religious traditions of Australia. This year YTU celebrates 40 years since it was established. Fr Jacob Kavunkal SVD reflects on its important place in our society.


Wednesday, 17 April 2013 11:42

Hospital chaplaincy a privilege and honour

Fr-Sunil-Thumbnail-JPEGAs a chaplain at Sydney’s busy Westmead Hospital, Fr Sunil Nagothu SVD is no stranger to pain, suffering, fear and anxiety. But amidst all the turmoil, he says there is also a good measure of joy and the ‘honour and privilege’ of being with people at the most vulnerable time in their life, bringing them comfort and sometimes even helping them find a path home to God.


Henry-in-Porgera-Thumbnail-JPEGMissionaries or volunteers who may experience a kind of ‘reverse culture shock’ when they return home from an extended period in a foreign country will have extra support, with the establishment of a new network called Trans-Mission.

Sr Geraldine Kearney SGS, who is a consultant in areas of cross-cultural communication, counselling, education and facilitation will facilitate the network with Mission Secretary of the Divine Word Missionaries in Australia, Fr Henry Adler SVD. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013 10:51

An invitation to Holy Week and Easter

frtimnortonsvd 150From Central Australia, to Thailand and New Zealand, the Divine Word Missionaries of the Australian Province are preparing to celebrate Holy Week and Easter in a variety of places and cultures, and everyone is invited to join them.


paulo finalvows 150From a career in banking to a life as a Missionary – it’s been a long and winding road for Paulo Vatunitu SVD, and as he celebrates the Profession of Final Vows, Paulo is aware of both the blessings and the challenges that lie ahead.

“I’m a bit nervous about it,” he said, before taking his Vows on Saturday, March 9 at St Paschal’s Chapel, Box Hill.

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