News & Events

Final-Vows-2014---150The Australian Province of the Divine Word Missionaries celebrated recently as three young men publicly professed their Perpetual Vows, with Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, saying the occasion was a particular blessing because religious professions are rare events in the world today.

Bernadinus (Bedi) Tertius Asmon, Prakash Brayan Menezes, and Trien Phat Nguyen professed their Perpetual Vows as Divine Word Missionaries on Saturday, March 15 at St Paschal’s Chapel, Box Hill. That ceremony was followed by their ordination to the diaconate on Sunday, March 16. Both ceremonies were attended by confreres, family and friends.


1343-CAMI-Popes-Message-Booklet cover---150The Divine Word Missionaries are delighted to be part of an exciting new book from Catholic Mission, in collaboration with Catholic Religious Australia, in which 12 Australian leaders from various Catholic ministries examine and respond in faith to Pope Francis’ recent apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel.

The book, entitled Living the Joy of the Gospel: The Francis Effect contains personal reflections on the Pope’s beautiful letter, and also proposes ways in which the Holy Father’s message can be lived more fully in the Church in Australia.


Fr-Michael-Hardie-Head-and-Shoulders---150Dorish Maru College, the house of formation for the SVD AUS Province, has a new rector, with Fr Michael Hardie’s appointment being one of a raft of reassignments to be made under the new Provincial leadership team.

Fr Michael replaces Fr Joseph Vu SVD, who leaves Dorish Maru College to take up his new role as District Superior of the Queensland District and chaplain to the Vietnamese Community in Brisbane.


Phil-rehab1 R---150The SVD AUS Province’s Philippines Disaster Appeal prompted an outpouring of love and solidarity, with the funds being directed not only to immediate emergency relief, but also to the ongoing task of rebuilding villages, lives and livelihoods.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, says that over $58,000 was raised during the appeal in the wake of devastating Typhoon Haiyan.

“It was a remarkable response from people, to raise that sort of total at very short notice, and right before Christmas,” Fr Henry says.


Tim-Norton-and-Henry-Adler3---150The new Provincial Superior of the SVD AUS Province, Fr Henry Adler SVD says that as he begins his new ministry of leadership, he is motivated by the example of his predecessor, Fr Tim Norton SVD, whose “passion for mission and service to the poor and less fortunate has been inspiring and contagious”.

Fr Henry, who was previously Mission Secretary for the Province, was elected to the position by his confreres, with the SVD Generalate confirming the appointment in August. The appointment is for a three year term, which began on January 1.


Monday, 13 January 2014 16:10

Feast Day of St Arnold Janssen SVD - Jan 15

January 15 is the Feast Day of the founder of the Society of the Divine Word, St Arnold Janssen.

Special masses and events will be held at SVD communities around the AUS Province.

Carols---Fr-Dom---150The St Arnold Janssen Chapel at Marsfield was full to overflowing when friends from many different language and cultural groups came together to celebrate a very multicultural Carols by Candlelight.

The packed program featured about 20 groups singing Christmas carols in a variety of languages, as well as English. Many of the groups were in traditional cultural dress, adding to the beauty of the occasion.


Mike-Knight-farewell-1--150-2Fr Mike Knight SVD says he was determined not to cry when the community of the St Arnold Janssen Chapel in Marsfield farewelled him in early December, but the tears crept up on him anyway.

Up to 180 people gathered for Sunday Eucharist at the Chapel, followed by the blessing of the new “The Word Centre”, and the farewell gathering for Fr Mike, who is finishing his term as Rector of the SVD Marsfield community.

Cana-Communities-Christmas-Eve---Anne-with-people---150On Christmas Eve in Redfern Park, Sydney, a group of people – some of whom live with mental or physical illness or are at risk, with nowhere to go, and others who are volunteers - will gather to share the Eucharist and a meal together.

The Cana Communities Christmas Eve gathering brings people together in a celebration of shared humanity.

“The experience of the Eucharist in the group and the singing of carols all combine to remind us that there is something bigger than us in the world,” says Cana Communities coordinator, Sr Anne Jordan PBVM.


Thailand-bikies-150It was all engines revving when a group of motor cyclists rode into Thailand’s Mother of Perpetual Help Centre on their Harley Davidsons to spread some Christmas cheer among children and teenagers whose lives have been affected by the HIV virus.

The Mother of Perpetual Help Centre in Nong Bua Lamphu, Thailand, is a centre for the care and development of HIV infected people, as well as the poor, under the care of the Divine Word Missionaries Australian Province.


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