News & Events

Under 5s gathering 2017 150One of the great blessings of the SVD across the world and in the AUS Province is the presence of its young members, and recently, those confreres who have been in the AUS Province for five years or less, got together for some ongoing formation.

“It was a time to come together and share our story of our ministry in our respective fields,” says one of the participants, Fr Kommareddy Rajasekhar Reddy SVD (Raja). “We were given an opportunity to share our joys and challenges in ministry.”

Fr Henry Adler SVD close hs 150The first results from the latest Census have been released this week and they confirm that here in Australia, we are living in an increasingly diverse religious and cultural society.

The Census showed two key things that were already somewhat obvious to anybody who’s been paying attention to such things – the number of people identifying as being of ‘no religion’ has risen and the nation is becoming increasingly multicultural. What meaning can we take from this?


Alejandro 150Fr Alejandro Jose De la Sotta Dominguez SVD is a long way from his home in Chile, but says the “incredible diversity of cultures” that he’s found at St Mark’s Parish, Inala is enriching his life, his faith and his ministry.

Fr Alejandro, who is relatively new to the AUS Province, is Acting Parish Priest at St Mark’s while Fr Stephen Pilly SVD enjoys his home leave in India.


Wednesday, 31 May 2017 10:40

New SVD App delivers Mission-on-the-Go

App poster 150The Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province is reaching out further into the digital world with a new-look website and the launch of an App designed to deliver Mission news right to your phone or other mobile device.

With one touch, the free App provides news, scripture reflections, calendar events and more – perfect for keeping in touch with SVD Mission wherever you are. 
Speaking at the launch of the App, Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD said it was another step from the Province to “make social communications and media part of our life and involve them in Mission”.


Tuesday, 30 May 2017 17:44

I believe in Angels - a reflection

Joseph Reddy with angel 150

I did not keep my trust in angels, and their gifts of love and help, as often as I should've - until I came across one in my real life.

It was October 18, 2016, as I was on my return journey to Mumbai after a brisk home visit before I flew to Australia, that, through the providence of God, I found this angel in the form of a family friend, to whom I was introduced a couple of months previously by another priest-friend who I also met by chance.


SVD Logo Low Web Quality 150The 2018 Provincial Assembly and Chapter of the SVD AUS Province was officially convoked this month and preparations are well underway for this important event which will help set the missionary priorities of the Province for the years to come.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, convoked the Assembly and Chapter in a letter to all confreres, setting the Assembly down to begin on Monday, February 19 and the Chapter to begin on Wednesday February 21.


Fr vanThanh Nguyen SVD 2017 150Migration is changing the face of Christianity and Church communities must embrace this change or risk fading away, says visiting Biblical Scholar, Fr vanThanh Nguyen SVD.

Fr vanThanh, who is Professor of New Testament Studies and holds the Bishop Francis Ford Chair of Catholic Missiology at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, was in Australia this month giving a series of lectures for BBI – The Australian Institute of Theological Education.


Fr Tim Norton SVD mission conference 150Reconciliation, mercy, leadership for Mission, Indigenous advocacy, and the face of the future Church in Australia were among the key themes explored at this year’s Mission: One Heart, Many Voices Conference.

The three-day conference, held in Sydney, was organised jointly by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia and was attended by 18 Divine Word Missionaries and staff.

Fr Henry Adler SVD close hs 150This week is National Reconciliation Week and we in Australia are also celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1967 referendum which gave Indigenous Australians the right to be counted as citizens in the Census. This year is also the 25th anniversary of the historic Mabo High Court Native Title decision.

Both of those events are rightfully celebrated as milestones in the life of our nation, but we’re all aware that much more needs to be done, both symbolically and on the ground in practical measures.



Picnic for Religious 2017 150The vibrant reality of the Religious presence in Australia’s Red Centre was on full display again recently when 27 people from 11 different religious congregations and 11 different countries, gathered for the Easter Monday Picnic.

The Picnic for Religious is held in Alice Springs twice a year, at Easter and Christmas, and is a chance for the Religious to come together in an atmosphere of relaxation and fun, to share their experiences of life and ministry in Central Australia.


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