Monday, 30 October 2017 10:13

Divine Word Missionaries Superior General visits AUS Province

Fr Heinz with Provincial Councillors 2017 450The Superior General of the Divine Word Missionaries, Fr Heinz Kuluke, is visiting the AUS Province to spend time with the SVD missionaries here, to learn about their ministries and encourage them in their work.

Fr Heinz, who is based at the SVD headquarters in Rome, will visit Melbourne, Central Australia, Sydney, Brisbane and New Zealand. He has previously visited Thailand which is also part of the AUS Province.

He has been travelling across the globe over the last five years, visiting all the countries where Divine Word Missionaries are present.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, says the Superior General’s visit is an important occasion for the Province.

“The purpose of his visit is to see for himself the ministries we are engaged in, to spend time with the confreres and to provide them with support and encouragement, as well as to connect our Province with the Generalate in Rome,” Fr Henry says.

“He will meet with the confreres, listen to them, and encourage them in their mission, especially those who work in the more remote areas of the Province.”

Fr Heinz with Box Hill community 2017 450Fr Heinz will also spend time with the seniors of the Province.

“Where possible, he will also use his visit to meet with the local authorities such as bishops, in the Dioceses where we are working,” Fr Henry says.

“While in Central Australia, he met with Bishop Eugene Hurley of Darwin over Skype.”

Apart from spending time with the confreres, the Superior General is also taking the opportunity to get to know the local people the SVDs are serving, including parishioners, indigenous communities and partners in mission.

“His visit is happening at an important time as we prepare for our Provincial Chapter and then the SVD General Chapter next year,” Fr Henry says.

Fr Heinz with Raass at Uluru 450“In his talks, he has been telling us how we fit in and are part of the whole Society of the Divine Word.

“He has also thanked us, and our benefactors, for the financial contribution made through the Mission Office to be distributed by the Generalate for mission works around the world.”

Fr Asaeli Raass SVD, Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish in Alice Springs says the Father-General’s visit to the Red Centre meant a lot to the confreres ministering there.

“He listened and observed first hand some of the challenges we face, as well as the joys, and was very affirming,” Fr Raass says.

“We felt appreciated and it gave us a boost.”

The Superior General celebrated World Mission Day with the Melbourne community and blessed a new house in Alice Springs and a new residence at Inala in Brisbane during his visit.

Fr Heinz will be in the Province until November 4 when he will return to Rome.


TOP: SVD Superior General, Fr Heinz Kuluke, with the Provincial Council

MIDDLE: Fr Heinz with the Box Hill SVD community

BOTTOM: Fr Heinz, with Fr Asaeli Raass SVD at Uluru