Thursday, 27 June 2024 19:20

Students recommit to religious life with renwal of temporary vows

Khanh renews vows in Alice Springs 2024 550Two Divine Word Missionary students from Vietnam who are in Australia as part of the SVD’s Overseas Training Program have renewed their temporary vows and are now looking forward to continuing their studies and formation in Melbourne.

Khanh Ngoc Nguyen SVD and Thuc Van Truong SVD renewed their vows in separate ceremonies in the parishes where they were undertaking a pastoral placement.

Director of Formation for the SVD Australia Province, Fr Linh Nguyen SVD, said the renewal of vows is a time for the temporary members of the Divine Word Missionaries to recommit themselves to their religious life.

“It is also an opportunity for them to deeply discern their missionary call and to evaluate themselves and/or be evaluated by their peers and other final professed members in regard to their strengths and areas of improvement to grow in their relationships with God and others in their religious formation,” he said.

Khanh renewed his vows at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish in Alice Springs as part of his pastoral placement with the SVD’s Central Australian ministries.

He joined the SVD Vietnam Province in 2016 after first graduating from university with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Law, making his first vows in Da Lat city, Vietnam in 2017.

Following his studies in philosophy and one year of theology, he was assigned to the SVD Australia Province for the two-year Overseas Training Program (OTP), arriving in July 2022.

His first year of OTP was spent at Dorish Maru College in Melbourne, where he had opportunities to live, study English language, and experience a multicultural environment, as well as take part in practical missionary activities with other seminarians and experienced SVD priests.

For the second year of his OTP experience, Khanh has been undertaking pastoral placements in Santa Teresa and Alice Springs.

“I have had great opportunities to practice and improve my English and to learn more about Australian cultures, Aboriginal cultures, multicultural Australians and many more great things about Australia, including its variety of spiritual life, which have enhanced my religious vocation,” he said.

“Furthermore, Australia has many nice international priests and seminarians who have taught me not only English but also given me mission experiences and useful preparation for my future mission all over the world.”

After almost two years of involvement in the OTP program in the Australia Province, Khanh said he realised he had made much progress and growth in his missionary vocation here.

“I therefore wish to continue deeply committing to my life as a Divine Word Missionary to go where God is calling me to follow him among the marginalised,” he said.

“So, after prayer and discernment and reflecting on my life direction as a Divine Word Missionary, I considered myself ready to renew my vows for one more year.”

Khanh’s renewal of vows took place in Alice Springs on June 9 before Parish Priest, Fr Prakash Menezes SVD and in the presence of the parish community.

He said that his experiences in Australia as an OTP student had convinced him he wished to continue his priestly formation and studies in Australia with the help and guidance of Fr Linh and OTP Director, Fr Yon Wiryono SVD. Having received approval to do so, he will continue with his Bachelor of Ministry/Theology in Melbourne.

Thuc renews his vows 2024 Townsville 550Meanwhile, Thuc has renewed his temporary SVD vows during Mass at the Pastoral Region of the Good Shepherd in Townsville, Queensland, where he has been doing his pastoral placement.

Thuc, who came to Australia from the Vietnam Province, took his first vows in 2019 in the city of Da Lat, surrounded by many fellow SVD members.

“This city holds a special place in my heart, as it marked the beginning of my dedicated journey in the Society of the Divine Word,” he said.

He completed his philosophy studies at the Saint Dominic Scholasticate in 2021 and did one year of Theology before being selected to undertake his OTP experience and pursue English studies in Australia. He undertook his OTP pastoral placements in Townsville and on Palm Island.

“This program has been instrumental in providing me with a deep understanding of the global context of my future ministry and has equipped me with the necessary tools for effective communication across cultural boundaries,” he said.

Thuc said he felt his renewal of vows in Townsville before Parish Priest Fr Joseph Reddy SVD was a reaffirmation of his commitment to his religious vocation.

“This year’s renewal was particularly special as it was the first time I had renewed my vows in a parish setting, amidst the people of God,” he said.

“This added an extra layer of significance and joy to the ceremony, as I felt deeply connected to the community and supported by their presence.”

Fr Joseph said that being a part of Thuc’s renewal of vows was also inspiring for parishioners.

“It's been a privilege for our community to witness religious vows renewed in a parish setting,” he said. “It was my honour to receive these vows on behalf of the provincial Leader, Fr Rass.” 

Upon completing his OTP program, Thuc has also chosen to finish his theological studies in Australia.

“As I conclude the language and culture implementation program, my goal is to continue my theological studies and training to become a Catholic priest,” he said.

“This journey has been filled with growth, challenges, and profound moments of faith, and I look forward to the future with hope and dedication.”


TOP RIGHT: Khanh Ngoc Nguyen SVD renews his temporary SVD vows at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parish in Alice Springs before parish priest Fr Prakash Menezes SVD.

BOTTOM LEFT: Thuc Van Truong SVD renews his vows at the Ministerial Region of the Good Shepherd in Townsville before parish priest Fr Joseph Reddy SVD.