Thursday, 30 May 2024 12:17

Our Mother Earth is weeping - reflection

Fr Jun JR Perez SVD 250The Creation

God created everything by his words. He created in an orderly fashion. For six days, the things he created were all good. He was satisfied and fulfilled with what he had done. Then, he created human beings not by word but from his own creation, the earth (dust). He formed the human beings accordingly, with his tender loving care and breathed his breath on his new creation. Everything the human beings needed was in their midst. They lived in perfect harmony with other creatures because they were a part of nature, co-existing with all. God gave them the responsibility to be the care taker of his creation.


He told the human beings to have dominion of his creation. He wanted them to be the stewards of everything he had done. They needed to nurture, enrich and be responsible because everything was inter-connected. Human beings were the most sensible, reasonable and logical among God’s creation. But with all the gifts they received, they were not contented. They even wanted to be equal with their creator. They disobeyed God. It was too late to realise their wrongdoings until they were expelled from paradise, a blissful place which God prepared for them. Then, they had to work for the food they would eat. The supposed stewards became abusive and destructive, not taking into consideration the effect of it on the world in which they were living.

crystal globe resting on moss in a forest - environment conceptThe Destructive Water

When their ambition to conquer the earth was beyond repair, God had to interfere. He had to maintain the balance and harmony of what he had created. Though, as a father, it was painful for him, he had to do it for the sake of the next generation. He would destroy everything he created by the power of nature, the water. He commanded his faithful servant to build an ark to save the species which would continue the life-line here on earth. If water can give life, it can also destroy life as it was evident in the great flood during the time of Noah. Again, it was already too late not to heed the call of the servant of God. 

The Rebirth

After the great destruction, the earth gave life anew. Life must continue to flourish. The earth is like a mother who gives birth to her child not knowing what is the future that lies ahead. The rebirth of all species and the dominion of human beings in God’s creation, can it give a new perspective on how to be the guardian and protector of life? Did people learn from their mistakes, arrogance, and not listening from within? Now a myriad of questions on how people can live in harmony in the new world they would own as their home. 

Progress and Nature

Human beings were God’s special creation. He instilled in them reason, freedom, emotions, and vison that they could express and utilise for the betterment of their earthly lives. Progress is inevitable as human minds and intellect are evolving. New discoveries will be at great stake. Definitely, nature will be not be spared as the continuous evolution of human intelligence and curiosity manifold the hidden power of it. Despite all the explorations people are doing towards the world we are living in, can we hear the cry of our Mother Earth?  

The Wrath of Mother Earth

In the course of human history, people are unstoppable in pursuing the advancement of technology. The discoveries that are leading to the destruction of the only place that we can dwell is taken for granted. People intervened in the natural flow of water. They shattered and disturbed the natural habitat of other living and non-living species. They produced weapons that will annihilate human lives and other living organisms. When Mother Earth strikes, no one is spared. Her wrath is beyond control. The climate change which is the effect of global warming is a call for us to make a collective action. If we will take it again for granted the cry of Mother Earth, it might be too late for us to repair the destruction we have done to her. 

What then?

We have to acknowledge that we are all inter-connected in this beautiful world God has created for us. But our Mother Earth is not only crying but weeping. Destruction caused by natural disaster is the product of the abuses and exploitations we have done to her. There are organisations that protect and safeguard the well-being of our earth but there are still those who value the economic gains amidst all the tremors she is showing to us as a warning for our irresponsible actions toward her. We have to remember that everything we own is only temporary. Our mission is to use responsibly whatever God has given to us. We have to remember that we are the stewards of his creation because of the positive attributes we possess, as we are his special creation.

What actions then are needed from us in order to reverse the raging wrath of our Mother Earth? The answer lies in our hands.


Fr Jun Perez, SVD

AUS Province Coordinator for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation.