The Gospels show Jesus teaching the people of His time about His Father using parables, stories, and metaphors that they were very familiar with.
Imagine if you felt God called you to explore the possibility of becoming a Divine Word Missionary, but then a global pandemic meant you had to wait more than a year to fulfill that calling?
That’s exactly what happened to Christopher (Boss) Hiranrattanajinda Bhumbodin from Thailand and Aaron Ong from Brunei, who were both poised to enter the SVD AUS Province postulancy program last year when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of international borders.
It’s been a period of fond farewells and new beginnings for Fr Sunil Nagothu SVD, as he hands over the leadership of St Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Marsden, Queensland and prepares to take up a new ministry at the Janssen Spirituality Centre in Victoria.
Fr Sunil has been Parish Priest at St Maximilian Kolbe for seven years and was farewelled by his parishioners in a heart-felt celebration earlier this month.
American biblical scholar, Fr vănThanh Nguyễn, SVD will lead the Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province members in their annual retreat this year, despite not being able to travel from the US because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fr vănThanh, who is Professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, will deliver the retreat online on the topic, ‘The Love of Christ Impels Us: A Retreat with Saint Paul and the 18th General Chapter’, to confreres from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Myanmar during July.
It was 32 degrees on Palm Island and close to 10am on Holy Saturday. Standing on a molten rock a few metres from the sea with my fishing line tugged firmly in my hand, I waited. No bites for almost two hours. Still, I enjoyed the stunning vastness and beauty of the Pacific Ocean. It is awe-inspiring. From biologists and scientists to divers and sailors and indigenous peoples, the ocean and its entire ecosystem is the subject of fascination, curiosity, and joy for millions of people all around the world.
Recently, I attended a virtual workshop in Melbourne marking the sixth anniversary of Pope Francis’ apostolic letter Laudato Si’ calling all Christians to live into a new paradigm of Integral Ecology. It was organised by the Sisters of Mercy in partnership with the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at ACU. Presenters were Professor Celia Deane-Drummond – Director Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Campion Hall, Oxford, Rev Dr Peter Loy Chong - President of the Federation of Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania and Archbishop of Suva, Fiji and the famous Catholic Professor Brian Swimme from the US- Director of the Centre for the Story of the Universe and professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. The three-day conference was framed around contemplating the signs of the times and contributing towards imaginative outcomes for oceans, rivers and creeks, and explored the effects of climate change in the Pacific islands, advocacy, project planning and ways Australia can help.
The Divine Word Missionaries AUS Province had cause for great celebration earlier this month when five young confreres from three different countries made their Final Profession of Vows and were ordained to the Diaconate.
The profession of vows and ordination to the Diaconate took place over the weekend of March 13-14 at St Paschal’s Chapel, Box Hill.
Ten SVD students from five countries resumed their academic studies in Theology this month at Yarra Theological Union, the University of Divinity in Melbourne.
Both the students and the academic staff said they were looking forward to returning to face-to-face or blended classes again following the shift to online lectures and tutorials during the COVID-19 pandemic last year.
We invite you to join us via Facebook livestream on Saturday, March 13 at 10am for the Final Profession of vows of five of our confreres.
We rejoice with Duc Le, Edward Teye, Francois Andrianihantana, Hai Ngueyen and Marius Razafimandimby on this special day and we pray for God's blessing upon them.
We have reached the mid-point of our Lenten journey, a holy penitential season. This Sunday, we celebrate “Laetare Sunday.”
After years serving the sick and the poor through his vocation as a nurse, a doctor and an SVD brother, Br Ruel Bancoro SVD is about to begin a new chapter as he takes up Theology studies for the priesthood.
Br Ruel will undertake his studies through the University of Divinity in Melbourne – although due to COVID border closures, he will begin the first semester online from the Philippines.
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