To borrow a joke from one of my favourite preachers Fr Bel San Luis, SVD, there was a young man who was praying to God. This was his prayer, “Lord, grant me the gift of patience … I want it NOW!!!”
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity. This mystery is called the mystery of all mysteries because the Holy Trinity is the core or centre of our faith.
Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, ‘The Joy of the Gospel’, states, “There are Christians whose lives seems like Lent without Easter”. Are we that?
One of the most important events in an Athletics competition is the relay race. And one of the most crucial moments of this race is the baton change.
Most of us would want to have an eventful day so that we may feel that our day has been productive for us. In the gospel for today, it is an eventful day for Mary and Joseph as they presented the infant Jesus at the temple.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent. Today's Gospel invites us to concentrate on the figure of Mother Mary.
Imagine that you have organised a big feast for your daughter’s wedding and after thinking and debating about who will be on your guest list, with one week to go before the wedding, you learn that a lot of the guests you are expecting to be there start begging off and offering cheap excuses and even worse some of them won’t give a word why, they just say that they can’t turn up.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Today, we celebrate the 25th Sunday in ordinary time year A. Today's gospel is about the generosity of an employer who gives equal pay to workers. All workers were paid one denarius a day, even though they worked in different hours.
The Gospel on this 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time presents us with Jesus’ beautiful teaching on forgiveness and an encouragement for us to forgive one another, as God forgives all our wrongdoings.
One day, I was reading my Facebook page as I always do at certain times of the day and I saw this beautiful quote, “God doesn’t say NO to our prayers. God has three answers, either he says, YES, AT A LATER TIME, or I HAVE A BETTER IDEA.
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