Friday, 04 October 2019 16:58

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C - 2019


27th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2019


Fr Frank Gerry SVD 150Jesus and his close followers are on their way to Jerusalem, and as he goes he instructs them. It is not a question of conversion, for that has already taken place. It is a more a question of growth in understanding of what Jesus is about and commitment to that.

He has been talking about forgiveness and it leaves the disciples wondering about their faith. So they ask him to increase it. His response is that it is not as if they have no faith but the little faith they have, if only they use it, is enough to work wonders.

That’s where the story touches us!

There are times no doubt when we feel the same as the followers of Jesus. Can we call on the little faith that we have, even in those difficult, dark moments? That suggestion echoes a thought that comes from the second reading: rekindle the gift of God that was given you in baptism or confirmation!

With regard to the status of the slave, Jesus is neither affirming nor approving it. He is simply saying, the community leaders should not think that they have a right to rewards and perks, simply because of their office or status. To serve others in God’s name is a privilege. It requires no further reward. Jesus exemplifies that kind of behavior.

So what is the message we take from all three readings of today’s liturgy?

It is this!

It is normal to feel inadequate from time to time, or to wonder whether God cares about our condition. That is normal. But in those circumstances, can we be patient, and trusting; confident in what we do possess of God’s gifts and how we use them both to give God glory and for our own personal encouragement.