Monday, 28 November 2016 17:00

Province welcomes Postulants in Thailand

CHALERM 2 350The SVD AUS province has welcomed two young men into the Postulancy program in Thailand, with a view to them entering the Novitiate next year where they will begin their journey of training to be missionaries.

Chalerm Naruemankanthon and Cuong Quoc Dang have been walking with the SVDs in Thailand for some time and are now ready to deepen their commitment and discernment as Novices. Their Novitiate will take place in the Philippines, after which they will continue their formation in Australia.

Chalerm, who spent some time in the Postulancy program previously, returned to the SVD in September and continues in the program with the Thai community in Nong Bua Lamphu.

“While here with the community, Chalerm is helping with work at Mother Mary House (for children from HIV families), taking one of the teenagers there to a special school in Nong Bua Lamphu and daily bringing one of the teenage girls to the hospital and clinic for medical attention,” says Br Damien Lunders SVD, the Thai District Superior.

“As well, Chalerm is fitting into the community well and is helpful around the house and garden.”
Before going into the Novitiate program, he will spend some time in one of the SVD parishes with other confreres, and have the opportunity to make a retreat as well.

To prepare for the Novitiate in the Philippines, Chalerm is doing some preliminary and basic Tagalog language study with a local Filipino teacher in Nong Bua Lamphu.

Cuong Quoc Dang is from the Ha Tin Province of Central Vietnam and has been living and studying in Bangkok under the supervision of Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD for more than a year.

Br Damien says Cuong recently expressed interest in joining the Divine Word Missionaries and has been accepted by the Provincial Council into the Postulancy program, while continuing in Bangkok with the SVD community there.

Cuong Quoc Dang 350Cuong also continues his English studies and some preliminary Tagalog language studies with local Philippine teachers from one of the schools in Bangkok.

“From time to time, Cuong comes to the SVD Community in Nong Bua Lamphu to spend time with other confreres and become more familiar with them,” says Br Damien.

“Cuong will join with Chalerm in entering the Novitiate program in the Philippines. Once there, they will be expected to learn more of the Tagalog language as it seems most of the Novitiate program is in the local language.”

Br Damien says that for many years, candidates from Papua New Guinea have taken part in the Novitate program in the Philippines, which will provide a good cross-cultural experience for Chalerm and Cuong.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, says the Province is “excited to have two vocations from the Thai District”.

“We’re really happy that after 15 years of our presence in Thailand, we have our first candidates from the Thai District,” Fr Henry says.

“We are grateful to the confreres in Thailand for accompanying these two young men on their journey and we’re now in conversation with the Philippines Province where they will complete their Novitiate before continuing their formation with us in Australia.”