Wednesday, 29 June 2016 17:56

Province explores possibility of a lay associates' group

Lay-Associates-working-group---350The SVD AUS Province is blessed to have the friendship and support of many lay people throughout Australia, New Zealand and Thailand, and now moves are underway to explore the possibility of starting an SVD Lay Associates’ Group.

A feasibility study into the formation of a Lay Associates’ Group kicked off this week, with the first meeting of the working party (pictured right).

AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, says the feasibility study addresses a resolution made in the last Provincial Chapter.

“And our hope is that the working party group will put together a report on what’s possible in this regard and come back to the next Provincial Chapter meeting with a recommendation.”

Fr Henry says one of the things the group will do is look at what SVDs are doing around the world in regard to lay associates.

“Then we will look at the documents from the last General Chapter in Rome and see what they are saying,” he says.

“And of course, we will look at the local context and see what other religious communities are doing in Australia and the region, whether it be with lay associates, oblates, third orders etc.”

Fr Henry says that while it is only early days in investigating the possibility of forming a Lay Associate’s Group, it is something that the Province really wants to explore.

“We have such wonderful support from our lay friends and partners in mission, that it makes sense to at least explore the idea of offering a more formal association where lay people might come to know more closely the SVD spirituality and share in the life of the Province.”

Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD, who is a member of the working party and attended the first meeting this week, says the group is looking forward to beginning its work.

“We are eager to get the project underway and see where the Spirit leads,” he says.