Wednesday, 23 December 2015 14:01

PNG Chapter meeting promotes closer collaboration between old friends


PNG-Chapter---450AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, attended the recent Papua New Guinea Provincial Chapter meeting, as part of a new push to promote closer collaboration among SVD zones and sub-zones in the Asia-Pacific.

The PNG Province, which has a long and warm association with the AUS Province, took as its theme for the gathering, “Witnessing the Joy of the Gospel through Intercultural Living”.

Fr Henry says he was delighted to attend the Chapter meeting to further the aim of promoting increased collaboration among neighbouring SVD provinces.

“Unlike the other subzones of ASPAC (Philippines, India, Indo-Leste and to some extent, South Asia sub-zones, our PAC subzone (PNG and AUS) enjoys very little collaboration, due to several obvious reasons, like the very different cultures, the long distance etc,” he said in an address to the Chapter meeting.

“It was during the last two general chapters that the PNG and AUS Provincials met and wondered whether there would be a possibility or a need for a closer PNG-AUS collaboration in the future, for the good of both provinces, the whole SVD and God’s Mission, and we decided to give it a try.”

Fr Henry said preliminary discussions on possible ways to increase collaboration included a proposal to take a common stand against the treatment of refugees in our region, focusing especially on the issue of mandatory detention, especially of children; Australia’s indefinite detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island; the harsh conditions; and the frequent unrest and violence inside the centre.

“The relationship between PNG and AUS has always been cordial, especially because of our common beginnings as one province, and the close collaboration after Australia became and independent province,” Fr Henry said.

“Today we have fewer confreres with PNG history in AUS, but still the connection with PNG is felt in most of our communities. We also seem to be there for each other in times of any need.

“Aware of the many acts of mutual hospitality and generosity, there might indeed be a potential for a more coordinated collaboration between PNG and AUS. I am confident that the presence of Fr Jose Orathinkal at the AUS chapter in June 2015 and my presence here now, will bring about more coordinated collaboration between our provinces.”

Taking up the theme of the PNG Chapter, Fr Henry touched on Pope Francis’ entreaties for Christians to look as though they have they joy of Christ.

“As missionaries and religious we need to look and act as if we are infected with Christian joy,” he said. “In other words, we need to be authentic and focused on witnessing and service to the poor, and to smell like the sheep we are looking after.”