Monday, 28 September 2015 10:41

Preparations underway to celebrate World Mission Sunday



WorldMissionLogoThe SVD AUS Province is gearing up to celebrate World Mission Sunday on October 18, with activities planned across the Province to mark this special day in the Church’s calendar.

A special event happening from October 2-3, in the lead-up to World Mission Sunday, is the International Mission Symposium in Melbourne, marking 50 years since the publication of the great Mission document of the Second Vatican Council, Ad Gentes.

The International Mission Symposium is a joint initiative of the Divine Word Missionaries, the Yarra Theological Union and the Australasian Association of Mission Studies and will take place at YTU in Box Hill.

Thirteen speakers from the Divine Word Missionaries and Holy Spirit Sisters will each speak on a selected theme, looking at what progress has been made in Mission over the last 50 years, as well as what the future might hold.

Meanwhile, parishes and groups are invited to visit our website and download a Liturgy Resource Kit, aimed at creating a meaningful celebration of World Mission Sunday (link at bottom of page).

Mission-Day-poster-2015---450AUS Mission Secretary, Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD, (pictured in Vanuatu, after Cyclone Pam), says the Church sets aside World Mission Sunday to help us reflect on our deepest identities as Christians in Mission.

“This year, Mission Sunday falls within the Year of Consecrated Life, which makes it a double celebration for us as missionaries living in consecrated life,” Fr Truc says.

“Pope Francis, in his Message for the World Mission Sunday 2015 says: ‘For if every baptised person is called to bear witness to the Lord Jesus by proclaiming the faith received as a gift, this is especially so for each consecrated man and woman. There is a clear connection between consecrated life and mission’.”

Fr Truc says that while the link between consecrated life and Mission is important, all Christians are called through their baptism to a life of service and to be witnesses to Christ in Mission.

“I urge all individuals, parishes, groups and organisations to collaborate in their local church to animate and make the celebration of World Mission Sunday, joyful, fruitful and memorable,” he says.

Download:  pdf Liturgy Resource World Mission Sunday 2015