Tuesday, 12 May 2015 16:53

Joy as SVD priest helps Thai parishioners return to restored church


Thailand--Tuan-Kham-church---350It was a joyous occasion in Thailand recently when members of the SVD Thai District joined Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai of Udon Thani Diocese to celebrate the restoration of the Thai Martyrs church in Thuan Kham.

After 10 years of neglect, without a priest, Fr Vinh The Tran SVD, who is pastor at a larger parish in the Ban Dung area took an interest in bringing the sacraments back to the almost 60 families who had been active parishioners at the little church.

Br Damien Lunders SVD says that with some help from the chapel fund at Techny in the United States, and help from the local people, Fr Vinh was able to restore the church and its surrounds to its original glory.

Thailand---Tuan-Kham-church-opening---350“Slowly the people are coming back and with care and interest from the parish priest, people will return, but it may take some time,” says Br Damien.

“With Bishop Joseph coming to have Mass, many of the local people attended, as well as many people from other parishes in the area.”

There is a small living area at the back of the church where Fr Vinh (and Fr Trinold Asa SVD who took care of the parish while Fr Vinh was recently on home leave) live while they are looking after the parish, staying several days during the week.

Udon Thani Diocese is in north-eastern Thailand & the SVD community there is part of AUS Province.
