Tuesday, 12 May 2015 12:19

Dorish Maru College – supporting Mission through hospitality and outreach


Dorish-Maru-BBQ---350Dorish Maru College in Melbourne is well known as the SVD seminary and formation house for the AUS Province, but it is also a house of welcome for other missionaries who are undertaking further studies, or language studies to help them in mission assignments to a range of countries.

Rector of the House at Dorish Maru, Fr Michael Hardie SVD, says this hospitality and support is one way the AUS Province helps support the wider world of Mission.

“From basic English to Doctoral studies, everyone here is a student of some sort,” he says.

Dorish Maru College is located at Box Hill, immediately adjacent to Yarra Theological Union, a part of the Melbourne University of Divinity.

Dorish-Maru-graduands-2015---350Fr Michael says Dorish Maru is primarily the residence for SVD students who are pursuing their theological training and formation in preparation for perpetual vows and ordination, as well as for Divine Word Missionaries who might be undertaking post-graduate work. It is also regularly a home to SVDs who are doing English language studies for priestly ministry either in Australia or for overseas missions.

At the moment, apart from the seminarians and SVD Overseas Training Program students, Dorish Maru is home to two priests – one from Vietnam and one from Indonesia who are doing English language studies ahead of taking up their mission assignments in Australia.

Dorish-Maru---Tet-group-2015---350Also living in the House is an Indonesian Divine Word Missionary doing his doctoral degree, four students from Vietnam who are studying English in order to go to their assigned mission in other countries, and two priests – one a diocesan priest and one from another religious congregation – who are staying at Dorish Maru while they pursue higher studies at Heart of Life.

“We see this hospitality as part of our outreach, too,” Fr Michael says.

“As an SVD Formation House, we are not only limited to accommodating SVDs, but we provide accommodation for others who are on their own spiritual journey. It’s a universal and flexible arrangement which provides outreach to others.

“We also see it as a way of supporting mission, not just in Australia, but around the world.”