Friday, 20 March 2015 13:18

SVD AUS Province launches Vanuatu Appeal

Vanuatu Cyclone Pam injured man amid debrisThe SVD AUS Province has today launched a special appeal for the people of Vanuatu whose lives have been devastated by Cyclone Pam.

From today and over the coming weeks, all funds donated to our Overseas Aid Fund will go directly to the people of Vanuatu to help them with their immediate desperate needs for food, water and shelter, but also for their needs as they seek to rebuild their lives.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD says that Vanuatu is home to a number of SVD confreres and SSpS Sisters, and the Divine Word Missionaries are well known for reaching out to help people who have been devastated by natural disasters.

Vanuatu Cyclone Pam - kids“The images that are coming out of Vanuatu are extraordinary,” Fr Henry says. “It is almost impossible to imagine a disaster of this scale for the people of this island nation.

“By launching this appeal, we hope to contribute in whatever way we can to helping people restore their lives, both in the immediate aftermath of this disaster, and into the future as they seek to get back on their feet.”

Donations can be made via the Donations Button on our website or by clicking here.

PHOTOS: Courtesy of New Zealand Defence Force