Friday, 28 November 2014 07:32

I love my life as a Brother, says Br Bernd


Br-Bernd-with-children---350Brother Bernd Ruffing SVD, a registered nurse and nursing educator, loves his life as a Brother in the Divine Word Missionaries, saying he never saw himself preaching the Gospel from a pulpit, but rather, with his hands and actions.

Br Bernd, who is originally from Germany, is assigned as a missionary in Thailand, part of the AUS Province, where he works both in parish life and caring for people living with AIDS.

“I think it was God who called me to be a Brother, it’s not my decision,” he says. “I love my life and the beauty of this vocation.

“I never saw myself preaching the Gospel from a pulpit but rather with my hands and actions.”

Br Bernd was working as a registered nurse in intensive care before he joined the SVD. He then went on to do further studies in nursing science and nursing education.

Br-Bernd-nursing---350He joined the SVD in Germany and did his postulancy program in the Society’s Motherhouse at Steyl, in The Netherlands.

“I grew up just 6km from one of the SVD mission houses,” he says. “My parish priest was a SVD from Switzerland. In summer, he used to bring us to the SVD house in Switzerland, and as a teenager, I joined many of the youth activities that were run by the SVDs. I guess that played a big role in the development of my faith.”

After leaving school, Br Bernd had the chance to work with the SVDs on the weekends, caring for the seniors.

“Some years later, I asked the Provincial whether they’d give me a chance to ‘test the life’,” he says.

“I wanted to give a contribution for the room and food, so I started working there again, while at the same time, working in the nursing school and finishing my studies.

“I actually stayed there for two years, sharing the life with the brothers, and I liked it, so I asked to become one of them.”

Br Bernd completed his novitiate in Berlin, Germany, and was then sent to Vienna for Brothers’ formation. Following that, he worked in a nursing school and became leader of the school for a period of time, before being assigned to the AUS Province, and to his current mission in Thailand. He took his final vows in Germany in 2012.

“As a Brother, I am a lay person in the church, and that’s good,” he says.

Some people may find it even easier to approach a lay brother than a clerical priest with their life stories. I’m happy to listen to them and bring people in my prayers before the Lord.

“I see Brothering as building close relationships with the people, especially with people in need.”

Br-Bernd-with-SVD-brothers-in-Pune-India---350Br Bernd recently attended the triennial SVD ASPAC Brothers’ Assembly in Pune, India.

“Attending the Assembly was an encouraging experience for me,” he says. It was great to hear how brothers are doing in other provinces, discovering similarities and differences in our life as SVD brothers.

“Not as many respond to the vocation of Brotherhood these days, and its numbers are therefore declining. The Brotherhood vocation still seems to be not well understood, as well as many other factors.

“Even so, we all have a common call as SVD Missionaries. It is just that our calling to serve either as a Brother or a Priest is different.”

Br Bernd says he thanks God for calling him to be a Brother in the SVD.

“The SVD has everything to offer!” he says.

“When I joined our mission congregation, I felt like doors opened up, and the world opened up with all its opportunities.

“Serving as a teacher back in Vienna, I had the chance to learn more about the life of those people living with and affected by HIV and Aids in Thailand.

“The SVDs sent me to this part of the world and to these people. Here I am now, and I try to be a brother to them.”


Top right: Br Bernd with local children in Thailand.

Middle left: Br Bernd utilising his nursing skills.

Bottom right: Br Bernd, far right in second row, with the gathering of SVD Brothers in Pune, India, recently.