Wednesday, 24 September 2014 09:45

World Mission Sunday: celebrating our deepest identity as Christians in Mission


WorldMissionLogoThe SVD AUS Province is gearing up to celebrate World Mission Sunday on October 19, with activities planned right across the Province to mark this special day of grace and joy.

In the lead-up to October 19, the annual SVD Mission Day will be held at the Yarra Theological Union, on Saturday, October 4, exploring “The Impact of Christianity on African Traditional Religions”. Meanwhile, parishes and groups are invited to visit our website and download a liturgy resource kit aimed at creating a meaningful celebration of World Mission Sunday.

AUS Mission Secretary, Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD, said the Church sets aside World Mission Sunday “to help us reflect on our deepest identities as Christians in Mission”.

“Pope Francis, in his Message for the World Mission Sunday 2014, once more emphasises the primary mission Ad Gentes, that ‘the church is missionary by her very nature’,” said Fr Truc.

“He urges us to ‘go forth’ and immerse ourselves in the joy of the Gospel and nurture a love that can light up our vocation and our mission. He invites us to make the church a welcoming home for all peoples.”

Fr Truc also pointed to the words of SVD AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, who recently emphasised the fact that as Divine Word Missionaries we place a high priority on our relationships with our Mission Partners.

“We are all engaged in Mission together,” Fr Henry said. “Each of us has our role to play in helping to build God’s Kingdom. This call to Christian Mission begins at our baptism, when we are born again in Christ and it is strengthened and refined as we grow in our Christian life.”

The Dorish Maru College community will kick off World Mission Sunday activities with its annual SVD Mission Day on Saturday, October 4.

The reflective gathering will focus on Africa, the continent that is witnessing the greatest growth of the church today, and the continent which, while largely remaining a mystery, forms the hope of the church for tomorrow.
The presentation will be held in the Study Centre of the Yarra Theological Union at 3.30pm and will be followed by the Holy Eucharist at 6.15pm in St Paschal’s Chapel and then a celebratory meal at Dorish Maru College.

Fr Truc urged all individuals, parishes, groups and organisations to collaborate in their local church to animate and make the celebration of World Mission Sunday “joyful, fruitful and memorable”.

To learn more about World Mission Sunday, click here.