Tuesday, 24 June 2014 11:53

Pope's Message marks countdown to World Mission Day

Pope-Francis-waving---350The release of Pope Francis’ Message for World Mission Day marks the countdown to this world-wide celebration, set down for October 19.

In his message, the Holy Father reminds us that: “All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission, for the Church is missionary by her very nature: she was ‘born to go forth’.”

“World Mission Day is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands,” he says.

“It is a celebration of grace and joy.

“A celebration of grace, because the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, offers wisdom and strength to those who are obedient to his action.

“A celebration of joy, because Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, sent to evangelise the world, supports and accompanies our missionary efforts.”

As Divine Word Missionaries, this day on the Church’s calendar is very important to us and we invite all our friends and supporters to join with us in marking this celebration of “grace and joy” in your own parish or group.

Mission Secretary, Fr Truc Quoc Phan SVD, says the SVD AUS Province will be putting together a pack of resources to help parishes celebrate World Mission Day, including homily notes, prayers and other mission material. It will be available on our website closer to the day.

“We hope this will help people to really join in this celebration of Mission, in their own way, in their own place, but also feeling a part of the Universal nature of World Mission Day,” Fr Truc says.

We’d love to hear how your community will be marking World Mission Day this year. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share your Mission Day ideas.

To read the Pope’s Message for World Mission Day, click here.