Friday, 21 February 2014 10:49

Living the Joy of the Gospel: The Francis Effect


1343-CAMI-Popes-Message-Booklet coverThe Divine Word Missionaries are delighted to be part of an exciting new book from Catholic Mission, in collaboration with Catholic Religious Australia, in which 12 Australian leaders from various Catholic ministries examine and respond in faith to Pope Francis’ recent apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel.

The book, entitled Living the Joy of the Gospel: The Francis Effect contains personal reflections on the Pope’s beautiful letter, and also proposes ways in which the Holy Father’s message can be lived more fully in the Church in Australia.

Well known missiologist, Fr Stephen Bevans SVD, from Chicago's Catholic Theological Union writes the Forward to the book and former SVD Aus Provincial, Fr Tim Norton is one of the 12 Australian leaders whose contribution is included.

Fr Stephen, who was in Australia last year for the Mission: One Heart, Many Voices conference, writes that Pope Francis exudes “the joy of the redeemed”.

“The Joy of the Gospel is a theme that I hope the readers of this book will see in every one of its reflective essays,” he says.

“The fact is, if one has ever crossed the boundaries of one’s culture and comfort, and really worked at it, and stuck with it, there is no way one can be a ‘sourpuss’, as the Pope puts it so graphically.

“If anyone who reads this book as had similar experiences, she or he knows that the joy that suffuses every one of these essays is a joy born of deep struggle, deep amazement and deep faith commitment.”

In is contribution to the book, Fr Tim writes about the ‘Australian Multi-Cultural Parishes and Our Mission’.

He says that for the parish to be a relevant means of evangelising for mission, change is necessary, so that it is open to creative renewal through being truly in touch with its people. Leadership is critical.

“Parishes can no longer regard the provision of sacraments, although highly important, as the prime and only recipient of their time, energy and spiritual fervour,” he writes.

“New Evangelisation calls us to move to the margins to hear and speak to the heart of all people. Parish communities must review their attention to youth and elderly, asylum seekers, the troubled and the troubling, local ecological issues, those of different faiths, and the poor at their door.

“Papa Francesco urges parish leaders to take up the missionary mandate and guide their flocks joyfully out of the Church to respond to the heart-felt desire for conversion of the people around them. He won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, so parish leaders, beware!”

The 12 Catholic leaders, both religious and lay, who feature in Living the Joy of the Gospel: The Francis Effect cover a broad cross section of the Church’s mission and life. They are: Sr Suzette Clark rsc, Fr Noel Connolly SSC, Ms Sandie Cornish, Prof Anne Cummins, Ms Julie Edwards, Ms Elise Ganley, Ms Marcelle Mogg, Mr Joe Moloney, Ms Julie Morgan, Mr Graeme Mundine, and Mr Martin Teulan.

Catholic Mission Deputy National Director, Peter Gates says the book supports the Australian Catholic Bishops’ wish to “do all we can to ensure that its teaching is widely known”.

“Each reflection explores the Exhortation and how Pope Francis’ vision and guidance can be heard, known and actioned today in our own lives, our ministries, our workplaces, our communities and our Church.”

As an extension of Pope Francis’ exhortation and the accompanying book ‘The Francis Effect’, Catholic Mission and CRA are hosting one day colloquium events which aim to bring together Australian Catholic Leaders and those that are passionate about mission for a day of formation and professional development not to be missed for anyone who is living and leading mission and evangelisation.

The events are on in Melbourne on February 25, Sydney on April 3 and Brisbane on April 28.

To order a copy of ‘The Francis Effect’ or to book for a colloquium, click here.