Thursday, 20 February 2014 18:15

Generous response to Philippines disaster appeal helping rebuild lives


Phil-relief---350The SVD AUS Province’s Philippines Disaster Appeal prompted an outpouring of love and solidarity, with the funds being directed not only to immediate emergency relief, but also to the ongoing task of rebuilding villages, lives and livelihoods.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, says that over $58,000 was raised during the appeal in the wake of devastating Typhoon Haiyan.

“It was a remarkable response from people, to raise that sort of total at very short notice, and right before Christmas,” Fr Henry says.

“It once again affirms the bond of Christian solidarity, that when our neighbour is in need, we cannot just walk by.

“On behalf of our confreres in the Philippines and the people who received the assistance, we thank all who gave so generously to our appeal.”

Fr Henry says the funds raised have gone directly to those most in need following the typhoon, which was the biggest ever to hit landfall in the Philippines. The typhoon came just weeks after a major earthquake in Bohol.

In an update on the relief effort, Fr Eugene Docoy SVD, who has been overseeing the operation, says much has been achieved and much more remains to be done.

Phil-rehab2 R.jpg---350A relief operation carried out by joint teams of the SVD Southern Philippines province, the University of San Carlos and the SVD’s international Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation committee (JPIC-IDC) has so far distributed 10,638 emergency relief packages. These consist of rice, canned goods, noodles, kitchen utensils, sanitary kits and coffee etc.

The JPIC-IDC also distributed materials for 1328 temporary shelters in Leyte Province and another 416 in Northern Cebu, along with school reparis in Bantayan Island, North Cebu and Leyte near Tacloban.

Recognising the devastating emotional cost of the disaster, especially on children, more than 300 psycho-social briefings have been provided.

Children have been assisted back into school with the distribution of 1250 packs of school supplies, including pens, writing pads and note books and 2300 households have received packs with spaghetti ingredients, fruit drink and cheese etc.

Following the initial emergency attention turned to rebuilding homes, with 300 completed so far and another 300 under validation in Tanauan town. A home for orphaned girls has also been rehabilitated.
In badly affected Tacloban City, livelihood restoration is underway with the building of 70 pumpboats. The Holy Spirit Sisters provided 70 units of boats to which the SVD Southern Philippines Provinces provided 6.5 horse power motors. The aim is to provide a total of 125 boats to fisher people in the area.

Phil-rehab3 R.jpg---350On Bantayan Island, North Cebu, repairs have been made to orphanages and day care centres and an SVD-led livelihood recovery program is underway. Christmas packages were also distributed.

“We have gone far in our relief operation,” Fr Eugene says. “Quite noticeable is the fact that while other organisations have already stopped delivering services, the SVD family has not yet done even half of what it wants to do. Our operations have still a long way to go.

“Medical missions, psycho-social debriefings, continuing rehabilitation, livelihood restorations and educational programs may take until the end of this year to fully implement.

“Please continue to pray for the victims of calamities and also for our volunteers, staff and the rest of those who continue to journey with us in our humble effort to alleviate the difficulties of brothers and sisters in need.”

Fr Eduardo Rocha SVD, Provincial Superior of the Philippines Southern Province wrote to the Australian Province and all its friends and donors who supported the relief appeal at Christmas to express his sincere gratitude for the support afforded to his province as they sought to help those in need.

“Your generosity surely helped in uplifting the conditions of our affected brothers and sisters,” he wrote. “Your love and concern made them realise that our Lord Jesus continues to dwell in their midst. Your generosity provided relief goods, building materials, services of the Medical Mission and the Psycho-Social Debriefing to our affected brothers and sisters.

“Together with our gratitude is our prayer that our good Lord will continue to accompany you in your life’s journey so that you will be able to carry on your mission which is in reality Jesus’ mission of reaching out to all people.”

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