Saturday, 16 November 2013 13:13

"Thank you for your generosity" - SVD Superior General

damaged-house4---350The Divine Word Missionary relief effort for the people of the Philippines devastated by Taiphoon Haiyan is well underway, with teams on the ground helping to get relief to those most in need, according to Superior General Fr Heinz Kuluke SVD.

Fr Heinz has written to confreres around the world, including the Australian Province, to thank them and their communities and supporters for sending donations to make the relief operations possible.

“The SVD Disaster Team is in place and working zealously,” Fr Heinz said. “We have with us a number of confreres who are familiar with responding to natural calamities. This set up provides our disaster team with better channeling of resources, smooth communication and assurance of coordinated professional and voluntary interventions.

“The SVD Disaster Team is working hard. Never before in the history of the Philippines has a natural disaster of such a magnitude been experienced. 

“But our SVD Team has not left any stone unturned through their daily meetings and briefings. Their coordinated efforts are concentrated on emergency aid in areas that were hard hit, such as Western Leyte, Northern Cebu, and Bantayan Island.”

Fr Heinz said the SVD Disaster Team takes seriously that relief goods should reach the people who are most in need. These steps have already been taken:

-Typhoon victims are being prepared locally for acceptance of relief goods through our people's organizations in the disaster areas. Personnel were sent to all areas to get basic data (since the communication systems broke down there is no other way to get information except through direct visits).
-Transport of goods and personnel: University of San Carlos has availed its buses and trucks as well as Aboitiz Company, a shipping line, to transport goods to Leyte and Bantayan Island.
-Purchase of relief goods was done in Cebu on November 13 initially amounting to 5 million pesos. These consist of hundreds of relief packages and other basic necessities. All have been repacked to be distributed immediately to those in need.

devastated-poultry1---350“The SVD Disaster Team, personnel, professionals and volunteers need all our moral support and prayers as they are carrying out the task of reaching out to the needy,” Fr Heinz said. 

“They are also facing the outbreak of diseases and the unbearable scent of death that now envelopes these affected areas. The hungry people are becoming desperate and fight for their survival, so there are enormous challenges in the distribution of the relief goods.

“With the support and help that you have given, you are there in spirit with the members of the disaster team as they are now consoling the weary, the hungry and the desperate population.”

“Our SVD Hospital in Tacloban is running out of medicines. The SVD School in Tacloban is now a centre of relief operations. Since all the transportation facilities were destroyed by the raging wind and water, transportation equipment was brought in from Cebu. Unfortunately, during the typhoon the SVD Radio Station in Tacloban was damaged beyond repair. Our station could have played an important role in relief operations and to give assurances to people that help is on the way, to stop panic and anarchy and to coordinate relief operations.” 

Fr Heinz also urged people not to forget the province of Bohol which is still recovering from a 7.2 earthquake on October 15. 

“Last week there was an outbreak of cholera but it is controlled by now,” he said. “People are slowly cleaning up and try to rebuild their houses with the little they have. Our SVD relief operations have entered Phase II. Also in this phase further help will be needed in the form of basic construction material for small houses and shelters as well as for livelihood projects.

“Again I thank you for your generosity.”