Thursday, 27 April 2023 11:41

SVD students renew their vows in significant step along vocational journey

Renewal of vows 2023 550Eight young Divine Word Missionaries who are students at Dorish Maru College in Melbourne renewed their temporary vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience recently.

The renewal of vows is a significant annual step in their formative years and a time for reflection and recommitment to their vocational journey.

Formator of Scholastics for the SVD Australia Province, Fr Linh Nguyen SVD, said the renewal of vows for another year happens each March at Dorish Maru College.

“This is an annual event, from one year after their First Vows until they take Final Vows, normally six years later, although some might need an extension beyond the six years, depending on their academic studies,” Fr Linh said.

“This is a significant process in their formative years. Before the actual celebration of the Renewal of Vows, each of the students is asked to make a personal evaluation of their growth in terms of personal maturity, relationships with others within and outside the community, prayer and liturgical life, and religious missionary vocation.

“They also evaluate one another in the above areas so that they can be helped in their human development as religious missionary brothers in formation.

“This is a time of deep reflection on one’s own vocation journey to recommit oneself to following Christ. This is also a time of joy and celebration for the gift of being called by God in the Society of the Divine Word.”

SVD student, Neftali Velasco Fabian said his renewal of vows was an opportunity to continue his discernment about answering the call to religious life.

Neftali took his first vows in July 2018 at the San Juanito church in Oaxaca, Mexico.

“We had a wonderful celebration which involved my relatives, friends from the parish and the whole community,” he recalls.

“Each time I renew my vows, I am reminded of my commitment to be a disciple of Jesus. It is also an opportunity to stop, reflect and discern whether I want to continue following Jesus in religious life.”

Neftali said the thing he enjoys most about his renewal of vows is that he always does it together with his classmates.

“I can feel how, despite our own weaknesses, all of us walk together towards the same purpose.”

The Renewal of Vows was celebrated during Mass which was celebrated by Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass SVD, followed by a social and celebratory dinner with the cutting of the Renewal of Vows cake after dinner.

The SSpS Sisters joined all Melbourne SVD confreres for the occasion, as well as friends of the students.