Thursday, 27 April 2023 11:22

'Under 5' confreres gather for ongoing formation in leadership & Australian culture

Under 5s gathering 2023 550SVD missionaries who have been professed for less than five years or have been in the Australia Province for less than five years gathered recently for the ‘Under 5s’ ongoing formation course.

Participants shared their ministry experiences and received formal input from a range of speakers in a program described by one of those taking part as “formative, informative and life-giving”.

Fr Sunil Nagothu SVD, who coordinated the program with Fr Yon Wiryono SVD, said that according to the Constitutions of the Society of the Divine Word, ‘superiors are obliged to offer all confreres, particularly those in the first five years of perpetual vows, special opportunities for exchanging experiences and further education’.

“It is also a way of introducing them to our way of Provincial life, to help eliminate culture shock and help with bonding and settling in,” Fr Sunil said.

“And it is an an opportunity for introducing leadership skills as these will be the leaders of the future in the Province.”

The program began on April 10 in Sydney, with the younger members of the Province hearing from some of the most senior members of the Province, retired missionaries, Fr Ennio Mantivano, Fr Wim Valckx and Fr Don Grant.

One of the Under Fives participants, Fr Clement Baffoe SVD, who is assistant priest at the Ministerial Region of the Good Shepherd in Townsville, said the senior confreres shared many great experiences, especially from their times in Papua New Guinea.

“One important fact the senior confreres stressed was self-care. They urged us to take care of ourselves spiritually, by praying unceasingly and reading spiritual books, physically – by regular medical check-ups and exercises, intellectually by constant reading, and psychologically,” he said.

“It was a great time to listen to these men who are repositories of wisdom and missionary experience.”

Later that day, the participants heard from Sr Anne Bond RSJ, a Josephite sister who spoke about parish ministry and leadership in Australia.

“She spoke of the importance of collaborative leadership, the role of women in parish life and other styles of leadership. Most importantly, she challenged us, the young missionaries, to each find our true identity, since it will influence the way we lead,” said Fr Clement.

“It was an invaluable sharing from someone who has herself been involved in parish ministries for many years as well as in helping us to understand the Australian culture better.”

The first day closed with an online presentation from the SVD Superior-General, Fr Budi Kleden.

“Fr Budi made us aware that each of us is called to be a leader in the Society of the Divine Word and it’s worth getting it right. Reflecting on Exodus 14, he explained that as leaders we are supposed to animate, coordinate and administer,” Fr Clement said.

“We need to practice servant leadership and must be collaborative and synodal. He further encouraged us to take different courses aimed at training us for leadership. What a privilege it was to have Fr Budi share his knowledge and skills with us.”

Under 5s at the footy 2023 550The next day, the Under 5 confreres met with the Provincial Council members.

“As leaders, they made time to listen to the joys and sorrows of our individual ministries,” said Fr Clement.

“In fact, they were very active listeners who empathised with those experiencing difficulties. The council agreed with the young confreres that generally there hasn’t been anything to prepare confreres for leadership. They assured the young confreres that in this triennium, the Council would play its part to improve communication and ensure that most of the recommendations from the recent Provincial Chapter are implemented.

“The spirit of this encounter was that of deep listening, collegiality and compassion, especially from the Council.”

That afternoon, Fr Bill Burt SVD, the superior delagatus spoke to the group, explaining the role of the office of superior delagatus and expressing his earnestness to support the confreres in different areas of their ministries and relationships with the Provincial.

“It was a blessing to have Fr Bill come to talk to us and assure us of the Province’s support,” said Fr Clement.

From Sydney, the group then headed north for some time out in Budgewoi, on the NSW Central Coast.

“At Budgewoi we continued to share our experiences in our various parishes,” said Fr Clement.

“These two days offered us the chance to stay close and more connected, especially by our sharing at the dining table, at the Eucharistic celebrations and in our yarning circles.

“These moments were priceless. In all, the program was formative, informative and life-giving, and everyone left feeling refreshed and energised for their ministries.”

To cap off the experience with a big dose of Aussie culture, the group attended a Rugby League match between the Sydney Roosters and Cronulla Sharks and “enjoyed every bit of it!”

Co-organiser, Fr Yon Wiryono SVD who is the Vocations Coordinator for the Province, said it was a great privilege for the Under 5 confreres to have been able to hear from Fr Budi and an interview with Vice-Superior General, Fr Jose Antunes da Silva SVD.

“It made me feel as though they are so close to us, caring for us, supporting and inspiring us as the members of the Society,” he said.

Fr Budi encouraged the confreres to go back to their ministry with the ‘Six C attitudes’: Commitment, Community, Collaboration, Creativity, Compassion, and Credibility.

“And Fr Jose urged us to be faithful and creative disciples,” Fr Yon said. “We are still young, and the mission needs our creativity, and new ways of doing mission. He encouraged us not to be afraid to find new ways of doing mission.”

Fr Joe Jacob SVD, who is assigned to Alice Springs parish, said that as a newcomer to the Province, he was glad to have a forum like the Under 5s gathering to get to know his confreres and for them all to be able to share their joys and struggles.

“Arriving during COVID, it was hard to get to know everyone, but now I’ve been able to really get to know these confreres and build up relationship, which is so important,” he said.

“It was also great to be able to express our opinions with the leadership and Provincial Council and to listen to them.”

Another of the participants, Fr Francois d’Assise Andrianihantana SVD, who is assistant priest in the Emerald Parish in Rockhampton Diocese, was elected as the new coordinator of the Under 5 program.

He will coordinate activities among the confreres and make sure they remain connected and in communication with one another, catching up regularly by Zoom and taking part in ongoing formation online until the next gathering, next year.


TOP RIGHT: SVD confreres who have been in perpetual vows for less than five years or who have been in the AUS Province for less than five years, gathered recently to take part in an ongoing formation program.

BOTTOM LEFT: Those taking part in the program capped off the experience with a night out at the NRL footy.