Tuesday, 26 January 2021 12:42

Missionary experience opens horizons for SVD student


Luis Robles OTP 450Ecuadorian SVD student Luis Robles has concluded his Overseas Training Program (OTP) in Australia, saying his time here was “a journey full of unexpected surprises and priceless experiences”.

Luis arrived in Australia on March 17, 2019, and apart from learning English, he also spent time in SVD communities in Sydney, Melbourne and Central Australia.

Before arriving in Australia, Luis completed his two-year postulancy in Quito and then his novitiate in Asuncion, Paraguay, before beginning his philosophy and theology studies in Cordoba, Argentina in 2015.

Luis interrupted his studies to come to Australia and gain hands-on experience as a missionary as part of the Overseas Training Program. He has now returned to Argentina to resume his studies.

“I came to Australia with no English, not even a single word, so my experience of learning English was a serious business, serious but enjoyable and funny as well. I really had an incredible time while learning the language,” he says.

After studying five levels of English, he left the formation house in Melbourne and moved to Sydney to proceed with his pastoral year.

“Here, I worked with CANA Communities for almost a year. This is a space especially for homeless people even though you can also find other realities,” he says.

“In general, this was just an awesome experience, an amazing time that has marked me and that I won´t forget.

“Unfortunately, when the Covid-19 struggles started, all my pastoral activities got affected too. However, I did not give up. I managed to find a way to move forward with my OTP program. So, I started working at home and helping the community in whatever way I could offer. Overall, my time in Sydney was incredibly fantastic.

“Finally, I was lucky enough to be able to stay in one of our communities in the Northern Territory for two months. This was a completely different story, nothing like Melbourne or Sydney but it was also a remarkable time.”

Luis says words are not enough to encapsulate his experiences during his time in Australia.

“I have so many memories in my heart and so much gratitude to everyone in this Province for allowing me to come, see and stay. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Keep me in your prayers.”

PHOTO: OTP student Luis Robles and friend at Santa Teresa in Central Australia, where Luis spent two months experiencing missionary life.