Monday, 05 August 2013 10:59

Are you looking for a life of purpose, challenge, adventure?


Looking for a life of Purpose, Challenge and Adventure?
Are you being called to ‘Go out to the whole world and tell the Good News’?
How about joining us
The Divine Word Missionaries


As missionary brothers and priests, we help bring Christ’s love to all people, but especially to those on the margins of society.
Some of the things we do:
• Parish, pastoral and sacramental ministries
• Educational and religious training and teaching
• Bible Apostolate
• Interreligious dialogue ministries
• Communication and media, including social media
• Economic, justice and peace ministries
• Live and work with Indigenous communities in Central Australia
• Provide medical care, education and housing to people living with AIDS in Thailand
• Cross-cultural programs for newly arrived overseas clergy; Hospitality and accommodation for asylum seekers
• Lay leadership programs; youth, adult and family programs; Spiritual direction; chaplaincy

Vocations Co-ordinator – Fr Viet Nguyen SVD on 02 9868 9063 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Visit us at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter