Tuesday, 17 December 2019 12:20

Multicultural carols herald the reason for the season


Carols20191 350The air around Marsfield in Sydney was filled with Christmas song last week for the annual SVD Multicultural Carol Celebration.

On a beautiful evening, the various groups who make up the SVD community at Marsfield gathered to share their Christmas spirit and look forward to the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Rector of the Marsfield Community, Fr Mikhael Loke SVD welcomed all those attending and urged them to have a fun night, but also to reflect on the ‘reason for the season’ as the evening unfolded.

The night was hosted by Frances and Fr Elmer, with Fr Elmer once again sharing some of his famous Christmas humour: “Who is Santa’s favourite singer? Elfis Presley!”.

Carols2019 5 350Among the groups taking part in the carols were choirs and musicians from a range of different cultural backgrounds.

They included the Bible and Breakfast Group, the SVD office staff, the Chinese community, Holy Trinity Community, the PDKK Epiphany Community, the Anklung IndoAussie group, St Anthony’s Parish Choir from Marsfield, the St Arnold Janssen Chapel Choir, the Handmaids of Our Lord, Vietnamese Community, and the SVD and Holy Spirit Sisters.

The evening finished, as is now traditional at the SVD Marsfield Carols with a beautiful rendition of Silent Night, sung by the whole community with each verse in a different language and the final verse shared in English, followed by a shared multicultural dinner.