News & Events

Mission Day seminar panel 2022 250The SVD Mission Day, hosted by Dorish Maru College and Yarra Theological Union/University of Divinity, made a welcome return this month, following a two-year COVID hiatus, with speakers exploring the topic, ‘For a Missionary Church in a Wounded World’.

Keynote speaker at the Mission Day event was Fr Asaeli Rass SVD, Provincial. The Respondent was Sr Anne Jordan PBVM, of Cana Communities. The formal program was followed by Mass and a shared multicultural meal.

Fr Michael Nguyen SVD book 250Two members of the Divine Word Missionaries’ Australia Province – Fr Dom Flores SVD and Fr Michael Nguyen SVD - have published books reflecting their life as missionaries.

Fr Dom’s book, entitled Sundays with Domingo, takes the form of a series of interviews with his younger friend, Pia Tenedero, while Fr Michael’s book, Writings of A Mendicant Monk, is a collection of his writings since 1995.

Fr Erwin Schmutz SVD2 250Fr Erwin Schmutz SVD was remembered for his very full life of service - as priest, missionary, medic and botanist – at his funeral Mass in the St Arnold Janssen Chapel, following his death in Sydney earlier this month.

Fr Erwin was born in Ingolstadt, on the River Donau in Bavaria, Germany, and spent 30 years as a missionary in Indonesia, then some years as a German Airforce chaplain, before arriving in the SVD AUS Province where he was chaplain to Adelaide’s German community for many years.

Fr Truong Le SVD teaching English to Thai children 150As the Church celebrates World Mission Sunday this week, Divine Word Missionaries in the Australia Province have reflected on the importance of their commitment to learn the language of the people with whom they are ministering.

The very first thing that Divine Word Missionaries do when they are assigned to a country is to learn the language, because it is in being able to communicate with the people that they learn more about them and their culture and really get to know and to love them in Christ.

Mission Day 2022 250The SVD Annual Mission Day 2022 will be held on Saturday, October 8, under the theme: For a Missionary Church in a Wounded World: Culturally Aware, Interreligious Solidarity & Faithfulness.

The Mission Day will be held at Yarra Theological Union Study Centre, 98 Albion Road, Box Hill, VIC, starting at 3pm AEDT.

SVD SSpS NATSICC Assembly 2022 250The Divine Word Missionaries and Holy Spirit Sisters were well-represented at the recent National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) Assembly in Townsville, along with members of the First Nations communities with whom they live and work. 

SVD confreres from Central Australia, Palm Island and Townsville travelled to the significant national event to share about their ministries and learn from others, under the Assembly theme of ‘Holy Spirit in this Land’.

Francois in Madagascar 250A beautiful surprise awaited Fr Francois d’Assise Andrianihantana SVD when he finally returned to his home in Madagascar to celebrate his post-ordination Thanksgiving Mass – nine months after he was ordained a priest in Melbourne and three years since he last saw his family.

The COVID pandemic had prevented Fr Francois from returning home earlier, but when he arrived back in his home village, those difficulties melted away as he was met by all the children of his village, singing a special song, composed by his mother.

Fr Budi Kleden SVD Foundation Day Message 2022 250On this foundation day of our Congregation, I invite you to reflect on contemplation as a source of inspiration, strength, and perseverance in our intercultural life and mission, said SVD Superior-General, Fr Paul Budi Kleden in his message for SVD Foundation Day this month.

To be consistent with the understanding that mission is principally the mission of God, we can only do justice to it if we cultivate the contemplative dimension of our life and mission.

Society Matters Highly Commended ACPA 250The Divine Word Missionaries’ Australian mission publication, Society Matters, has taken out a Highly Commended award at the recent Australasian Catholic Press Association awards dinner in Melbourne.

Society Matters won the commendation in the category for ‘Best Content – Faith and Life’ for a feature article on the SVD mission in Myanmar.

Friday, 30 September 2022 08:41

Indonesian Visitation a positive experience

Henry Adler Visitation to Indonesia 2022 250An invitation by the SVD Generalate in Rome to be an official Visitator to the SVD mission in Indonesia’s biggest Province paved the way for a positive experience, says Fr Henry Adler SVD.

Fr Henry was one of three Visitators to spend a month in the Indonesia-Java Province recently, meeting SVD confreres there and spending time observing the various ministries in action.

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