65 Years of Priestly Life - Fr Ennio Mantovani SVD

Fr Ennio Mantovani SVD 17 received in the Seminary at St Gabriel, than by my theological formation. Vatican II made sense to me. What I rejoiced about were the new openings presented by the Council, showing the direction in which the Spirit wanted us to move. Social sciences and theology, in this point, were moving in the same direction. The Anointing of the Sick This sacrament has to do with sickness and healing and that’s based on James’ recommendation in his letter. Today the Church has dropped the traditional term of ‘extreme unction’ stressing the point that it is the sacrament not only for the dying and the grievously sick but also for the old and the frail. This is relevant in a Church missionary by nature. Each sacrament has to do with our commitment to the mission of Christ; however, the context of that commitment varies during our life. When old age and serious sickness come, we enter a new phase in our life. Often these people say that they cannot ‘work’ anymore for Christ. In this sacrament one renews one’s commitment to Christ and his mission, accepting as Jesus did in Gethsemane, the will of the Father, and one offers one’s pain and suffering for the coming of the Kingdom of God. When I visit the old and sick, I share with them my conviction that they are greater missionaries than myself. I enjoy my ministry while they must suffer with Christ, carrying their cross and so helping the coming of God’s Kingdom, working for the coming of justice and peace in our world today. I always ask them to include my ministry in their prayers, as I need their help. Conclusion When I entered the Society, I was convinced that outside my Church there was no salvation. My task as missionary was to bring the light where there was darkness of sin and death. Vatican II and my work in PNG changed my life in a radical way. I still thank God from my whole my heart that I am a Christian, however, not because I am saved while the others are not, but because Christ called me and sent me out to continue his mission, God’s mission. The special call by Christ to continue his mission gave my Church not only a task but a clear and unique identity. As a Christian I am not superior or better than others but radically different. I still believe I am unique because of that specific call and mission by Christ. I cannot thank God enough for the grace of my SVD vocation. As a missionary, I shall invite and challenge people of good will to be co-workers with Christ in creating a better world, a society in which individuals care for one another. I shall dialogue with brothers and sisters of other religions to work together for the justice of the Kingdom. I see my tasks as an SVD to remind my fellow Christians of their dignity and responsibility as people called and sent out by Christ to continue his mission. I see my responsibility as minister in the Church in helping my fellow Christians carrying out our mission today, in our Australian context. I will endeavour to help those who are or want to become Christians to celebrate the sacraments as a calling to acceptance and empowerment of mission. The special call by Christ to continue his mission gave my Church not only a task but a clear and unique identity. As a Christian I am not superior or better than others but radically different.