SVD - Celebrating 100 Years

5 A Message from Sr Philomina Sr Philomina Mathew, SSpS, Provincial Leader D ear Fr Rass and the Divine Word Missionaries, Australia On behalf of the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, Australia, I wish to extend our heartfelt congratulations to each one of you on this special occasion of the celebration of your Centenary here in Australia. 100 years of life and mission as Divine Word Missionaries is surely a reason to thank God and to celebrate - not so much human plans as God’s plan, not so much human achievements, as being simple instruments for God’s mission! In his Letter to all Consecrated People, Pope Francis has told us, “I am counting on you ‘to wake up the world’, since the distinctive sign of consecrated life is prophecy. This is the priority that is needed right now: “to be prophets who witness to how Jesus lived on this earth.” And how are we, religious to be prophetic? Pope Francis says: “… with the eloquence of your lives, lives which radiate the joy and beauty of living the Gospel and following Christ to the full. … by learning from Jesus, the meaning and practice of love. You will be able to love because you have his own heart.” On this occasion of great joy and celebration of your shared sacred history as members of the Society of the Divine Word, Australia, our wish and prayer for you, dear brothers, is that as you trace your past 100 years with gratitude may you all be given the grace to live your missionary call with passion and journey on to the future with hope! Sr Philomina Mathew SSpS Provincial Leader