SVD - Celebrating 100 Years

34 Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC): J ustice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, or JPIC, is one of the apostolic works of the Divine Word Missionaries. JPIC has its origins in the Pastoral Constitution of the Church, Gaudium et Spes: “It is most opportune that an organism of the Universal Church be set up in order that both Justice and the Love of Christ for the poor be developed everywhere.” (1965, N.90) As a characteristic of the SVD’s outreach to society and the world, the JPIC coordinator raises awareness in the lives of our members towards issues of injustice, poverty, discrimination, the unequal treatment of ethnic minorities and the violation of the integrity of creation. He animates others to develop projects of good works, support and outreach, and promotes just ways of acting and living which care for the earth, our common home. As SVDs, we work in JPIC-centered ministries that model our dedication to restoring justice and balancing inequalities: pastoral outreach to Aboriginal peoples in the cities and townships across Australia; the support of refugees and the homeless; chaplaincies providing a voice to ethnic minorities; visiting hospitals and prisons. Above all, in preaching the Gospel we proclaim God’s love and mercy to people of all races, religions and beliefs, for the development of nations and the transformation of our world. Top: Fr Michael Hardie, JPIC coordinator, giving a talk to the Box Hill community, on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. Bottom: SVDs partnered with Jesuit Refugee Services to provide accommodation and support for single men in community detention in 2012.