SVD - Celebrating 100 Years

17 Top l-r: Frt Paul Malinit Aquino OTP, Chicago USA. Frt Hoang Van Toan, OTP from Vietnam. Bottom l-r: Frt Thanh Hy Nguyen, OTP from Japan. Australian-born vocation, Tim Norton O/CTP in Mexico 1987-1989. O/CTP—Overseas Cross-cultural Training Program T he Australia Province offers the Overseas/Cross-Cultural Training Program (O/CTP) as an integral and fundamental part of the initial formation to any SVD student who wishes to have a first-hand experience of Mission in the Australian cultural context. The program aims to strengthen the religious missionary commitment of the student as a member of the Society of the Divine Word. Australia is a land rich in cultural diversity, languages and cultures. The Province hopes that with such a richness of cultural diversity, the O/CTP in Australia will offer students in formation a unique opportunity to experience the internationality and mission charism of our religious missionary society. The Australia Province also offers, O/CTP as its contribution to the missionary mandate in the context of a local Church. Australian- born SVDs went overseas for their O/CTP to experience other cultures, language and customs. The duration of the program is usually for two years. In the first year, the student takes up English language studies, if required, especially those coming from a non-English speaking country. In the second year they experience and immerse themselves in the true local culture as well as learning pastoral skills under the supervision of their onsite supervisor. There is a schedule drawn up for each candidate which includes time for prayer, journal writing and face-to-face meetings with the supervisor and appraisals and feedback. The Australia Province has welcomed students from many countries, including —Vietnam, Japan, USA, Poland and Indonesia to experience Australia’s cultural diversity.