Journeying in Faith - DMC Annual Journal [December 2024]

49 Helen Lombard’s paper, "Benedict’s Balanced Lifestyle: Is This Your Life?" presents a nuanced understanding of the balance of the Benedictine tradition with its unique perspective. Benedict’s balance integrates all aspects of life—prayer, work, community, and service such as hospitality—into a unified whole. This balance is dynamic, based on recognizing the complexity of life and then constantly adjusting to various complexities. As Lombard emphasizes, the Rule of St. Benedict aims to embrace all elements of real life and shape an intimate relationship with God in the depths of the heart through the practice of seeking God, public life, and service ("Benedict’s Balanced Lifestyle," 6-34). Questions that arise in reading Lombard’s Paper Question 1: Today, spiritual leaders of the Church are often faced with overloaded ministry pressures. In this context, how should the dynamic integration of balance proposed by Benedict help us face Exploring Benedictine Spirituality Zouchuan (Jacob) Yang SVD