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Thursday, 28 July 2016 18:04

What can we do to care for our common home?

Fr-Asaeli-Raass-head-and-shoulders-150Well greetings, friends! This month’s message for our In the Word E-News comes from me, Fr Raass, rather than from Fr Henry, who is taking his home leave at the moment.

Do you remember Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato Si? It gave us so much food for thought about how we should care for our common home, but what have we done to take up the challenges it contained?

In our parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Alice Springs, a bunch of us got together recently and came up with some practical ideas of how we could put into action in our own backyard some of the principles raised by Pope Francis in his letter.

They included some really simple things, like relaxing and enjoying the natural places in our local area or out in the bush. We have some spectacular sunsets from Undoolya hill!

Other ideas were to re-use the ‘grey’ water from washing machines and showers to water our gardens, and to wash cars over lawns. Re-using or even avoiding using disposable containers or bags was also suggested.

Plant some vegies or fruit trees and share the produce with friends, neighbours or parishioners. Volunteer or join a community group which focuses on the common good and resolve each day to do at least one ‘act of mercy’ like a kind comment or encouragement, a thank-you letter or a smile to a friend or stranger.

The group also suggested getting active in the political sphere, simply by asking local politicians where they stand on ecology and climate concerns.

The full list of ideas suggested by our group of parishioners is inspiring to read. Most of the suggestions are easy to do, but if everyone did at least some of them, think of the difference it would make!

Why don’t you join us in getting together in your local parish or community group and seeing what kind of list you can come up with? Or you’re welcome to share our list, which you can find by clicking here:  pdf What can we do to care for our common home? .

It’s amazing, the kinds of ideas which start to flow, when we stop and really ask ourselves, ‘What can I/we do to care for our common home?’

Yours in the Word,

Fr Asaeli Raass SVD
Vice-Provincial, SVD AUS Province.