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Saturday, 23 December 2023 07:34

The 4th Sunday of Advent - 2023


Luke 1.26-38

Fr Andy Fani, SVD

Fr Adrianus Fani SVD 150My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent. Today's Gospel invites us to concentrate on the figure of Mother Mary. Mary was a very simple village girl. She came from Nazareth. Who would have thought that this village girl would be chosen by God to be the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of the Church? What is the most special thing about her that makes her worthy of admiration?

In my opinion, the most special thing about Mary is her willingness to say “yes” to God's call. In all simplicity and humility, Mary assented to the words of the angel Gabriel. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me.” Mary's words were very beautiful. Because she dared to give herself totally to God.

Fra Angelico The Annunciation Twitter 550Here, Mary teaches us the following two things. Firstly, obedience to God's will. Interestingly, when Mary heard the Angel Gabriel's statement that she would conceive and give birth to a child, Mary asked how it could happen, since she was a virgin? All difficulties, challenges and trials were part of Mary's faith in letting God work, overcome and resolve them. Finally, through a long dialogue, Mary obeyed God's call. Mary said, “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me.” This is Mary's advent. The Advent of Mary who gave herself, her womb to conceive and give birth to Jesus.

Secondly, faith in God. Mary was confronted with the situation of being conceived by the Holy Spirit. This was an experience that was difficult to comprehend with the human mind. Nevertheless, Mary faced it with strong faith in God.

My dear brothers and sisters. Mary represents all of us in responding to God's call. Mary showed an attitude of obedience that we should emulate in facing various problems in life. If Mary had not responded positively, we do not know what would have happened. We must thank Mary for responding to God's offer, so that we too can experience salvation. Let us emulate Mary's advent, imitating Mary's attitudes and actions in all the events of our lives every day.

We learn and reflect on Mary's faith, so that our faith will grow and develop in whatever situation we face and experience. Only then, we can celebrate Christmas this year in our hearts, in our lives, in our families and everywhere. Because God does not need a big house that we build for Him, but in our hearts He was born and brings true peace. Just like Mary, we too can say, “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me.” Have a wonderful Christmas.